
If you wish to contribute, checks can be made out to: Team Seasoned Heart or you can 
use CashApp .  PayPal is not letting payments through.

To use CashApp install the app on your phone.  On the app look for $71Kenmum.  You will have the option to request or pay, select pay and enter the amount to send.   You will be asked to send as a gift or cash, choose cash.  I will receive an e-mail informing me you are sending.

You can also give via our covering church Hopewell, Telford. This is the best option to replace PayPal.  You can set up a recurring amount or one time.  Simply note when giving that it is for Team Seasoned Heart.  Link Below.

All gifts are tax deductible.
All contributions help with funding trips and the ongoing missions in Kilgoris, Kenya.

Mailing Address:
Hannah Hunter (Memo TSH Kenya)
P.O. Box 481
Harleysville, PA 19438
Stepping from Darkness into Focused light- By Hannah Hunter on Amazon

“In the Midst” Go to page titled Book







Donation To Team Seasoned Heart
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