
Team Seasoned Heart, based in Schwenksville, Pennsylvania, provides financial support as well as training teams to carry out missions in cooperation with Mission Team For Christ, a Christian ministry, and Hopewell Christian Fellowship, our church plant in Kilgoris, Kenya. Paster Dan Ombija is a Kenyan who is leader to both those ministries. Team Seasoned Heart’s Kenyan mission trips include training youth leaders, ministering to widows, orphans and prisoners, and providing medical care. Hannah Hunter, president of Team Seasoned Heart is now based in Kilgoris, Kenya full-time.  She has established her home there. We also have started a ministry school to take back the cultural mountains – religion, family, business, government, arts and entertainment, media, health and science, and education.  Most of our students are college graduates.  We have successfully launched four businesses.

We are privileged to carry HIS heart to East Africa from a base in Kilgoris, Kenya. We have also been branching out into southern Africa. We invite you to, above all else, pray in agreement with the Holy Spirit for HIS purposes for this region and the people.  While we see God as our Source, there is the principle of the Sower and the one sent to the Harvest field and the blessing to both.  We invite you to come alongside of us and sow financially into the ongoing Harvest and reformation. 

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TSH June Newsletter

6/20/2024 2:25:00 PM BY Hannah Hunter

TSH June 2024 Newsletter



Unbelief does not stop GOD or us from speaking healing. A young man had stasis wounds on foot ready for amputation. Several days after prayer he sent pictures and report they are healed over and he is walking almost normally.

Our well project (GOFUND) does not reflect the donations we received. We are about ¾ way there. We changed the project to the Homa Bay region. Many of our widows are in this region and almost always suffer from a severe lack of water. David &Carol Rhinehart hosted a meeting for us to share vision. They prayed for us. So grateful!!!!! We ministered to Moldovans, Cameroonians, Hopewell cluster of pastors, TOV group of women and book club using as cover for warrior intercessors. Truly HE is discipling all nations.

I have my ticket to Kenya. Cost about $1650 round trip with insurance as Kenya sometimes changes things at last minute. I will post a budget, but rough is $900/ month for food and water. $300 for power, rent and internet. $600 for gas for missions. Hotel accommodation varies if the host pays, or we pay. $100 widow support. $400 school fees for children to be in school.


Prayerfully consider becoming a partner with us in this ministry. We were so blessed at the outpouring of support. I want to thank my home congregation, Hopewell Telford, for the generous gifts of books for my grands and others to read in Kenya. We have no library close to us and only books in school are for study. One mission I carried five books. All ages devoured them and wanted more. CHECK OUT FUNDRAISER ON FACEBOOK FOR THIS MONTH.

Please check out our website www.tshkenya.org or email us [email protected]. Pray. We have prayer updates weekly.  You can donate on website or see what our projects are. Mailing address TSH PO Box 481 Harleysville, PA 19438.  Second book available on Amazon.com.



What Cultural Mountain is Yours?

6/1/2024 1:45:00 AM BY Hannah Hunter

What cultural mountain are you assigned to? Mine is one shrouded and enemy is desperate to keep from exposure. The mountain of medicine and science. It is the one the globalist used to try to control and dominate the world through fear and intimidation in COVID scam. Think it not strange when on these mountains it is very dark and seems hopeless. Fire is about to bubble up as angels are bringing decrees and promises from the court of heaven. This week I was in the hospital for several days. I was hidden there yet did great damage to the hold of the enemy. Doctors could not believe how well I looked, I glowed, and I was moving around so much atypical of someone 71. I could hear reports of other patients and pray for their turn around. It seemed chaotic on every front, but GOD placed me strategically. At one point my son, who was with me in ER was the gatekeeper for doctors, security, etc. He was guarding me in my bed I hallway and allowed access in and out. Nothing in the physical is as it seems. In light the horribly illegal trial and conviction of President Donal Trump it seems like everything is upside down, but in Psalms 34 HE promises to liberate HIS servants. In the hospital whenever a baby is born, they play over the loudspeaker Brahams Lullaby. I love that. Most of the time the announcements are for emergencies. Everyone is rushing to and fro yet that sound causes even the busiest to say oh a life has come into the world. It resets our soul and brings a smile to our faces. Today may we hear that sound and smile for a SON was born and the govt is on HIS shoulders.